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Power of J A V A S C R I P T

Front End == Face of the App
Object Oriented JavaScript:

            function Person(name) { = name; }
            var person = new Person('Pinakin');

            person.__proto__ == Person.prototype;
            person.__proto__ == person.constructor.prototype;
            person.constructor.prototype == Person.prototype;
Why JavaScript is becoming popular?

Becoming dominant programming language of the enterprise
One of the Top Ranking Languages
It's time for some

Live Demo*

*Powered by JavaScript, HTML5 & CSS3.
My Recent Work:

        - This Presentation :-))
        - Worldify - World Map Your Numbers
        - Polygon Chart
        - Meteor Data Visualization
        - JSChannel Charger
        - LOP App Generator (Zero Coding)

HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript =>
Build Amazing Stuffs

Others' Interesting Work:


WhyJavaScript? Why only JavaScript?

Dominant language of the Web:

        - Browser understands HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
- And browsers are everywhere (all devices).
- Steve Jobs annouched no more Flash!!!
- Becoming Ubiquitous language.
No other language knows DOM better:
        Before HTML5:
<script type="text/javascript" src="URL"></script>
After HTML5:
<script src="URL"></script>
No Competitors!!!
Mobile Apps using Web Technology:
        - PhoneGap
- Cordova
- Platinum
Goal: One code base. Write once, run everywhere.
Rich Client-side Apps:
        - AngularJS
- Ember
- Knockout
- Backbone
- jQuery
Goal: Make app lightweight and faster.
Rich Client-side Interactivity:
        - JSXGraph
- ChartJS
- RGraph
- D3
- Highcharts
Server side App using Node.js:
        var http = require('http');
        http.createServer(function (req, res) {
          res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
          res.end('Hello World\n');
        }).listen(1337, '');
        console.log('Server running at');
Node based frameworks:

        - Yeoman
- Bower
- Grunt
Goal: Faster app development and deployment.
Frameworks for Testing:

        - Mocha
- Jasmine
- Chai
An Apple a Day == An App a Day
Explore - You never know what you will get!

Thank you!!!

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